WorkerB for Pull Requests: let's get code merged!

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How do I enable WorkerB notifications?

Last modified:

You can configure the extension notification in your browser from the extension popup menu:

  1. Click the puzzle icon on your Chrome menu bar.

  2. Click on the WorkerB icon. 

  3. Go to the gear icon inside the WorkerB Chrome extension. 

  4. Toggle notification as you like. 

Image 15

If you're not currently receiving any notifications, you may need to also update your system settings to receive desktop notifications.  Steps to do so can be found below. 

Mac users: 
  1. Go to System Preferences > Notification & Focus

  2. Look for Google Chrome and make sure both entries are enabled

Windows Users: 
  1. Type ​chrome://flags/#enable-native-notifications ​in your address bar and hit enter. Enable this flag and relaunch chrome.

  2. Go to Windows Settings > System > Notifications & Actions > In the "Get notification and actions from these senders" section select Google chrome.

Linux Users: 
  1. Type ​chrome://flags/#enable-native-notifications ​in your address bar and hit enter, Enable this flag and relaunch chrome.

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